Reflections On Conflict And Suffering



Since the publication of my short 2023 essay Weltschmerz And The Conflict In Gaza a philosophical question I have once again considered is the nature of resistance, retaliation, and armed conflict, given the number of civilian, Palestinian, deaths, resulting from the use, by the professional military forces of one State-entity of modern and advanced weaponry, supplied by other State-entities, against what the government of that State-entity, and their allies, have declared to be an armed terrorist group albeit one that is quite small and poorly-armed in comparison to the attacking professional military forces.

Since an analytical consideration of this question of necessity involves a lengthy often abstruse digression about aspects of my weltanschauung of pathei-mathos, some may regard this essay as replete with “inscrutably dense arguments” although and hopefully a few others will see such a framing as placing such a recent conflict into a necessary and wider perspective and thus far beyond politics and religiosity.


Reflections On Conflict And Suffering



Weltschmerz And The Conflict In Gaza


Image Credit:
To The Distant One, A Painting by Richard Moult
