As referenced in my [2012] effusion Blue Reflected Starlight

“the Voyager 1 interplanetary spacecraft in 1990 (ce) transmitted an image of Earth from a distance of over four billion miles; the most distant image of Earth we human beings have ever seen. The Earth, our home, was a bluish dot; a mere Cosmic speck among the indefinity, visible only because of reflected starlight…”

NASA has now [February 2020] released an “updated version of the iconic Pale Blue Dot image taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft [which] uses modern image-processing software and techniques” and which image I reproduce above. [1]

That we, our species, our planet, are merely “one speck in one galaxy in a vast Cosmos of billions upon billions of galaxies, and one speck that would most probably appear, to a non-terran, less interesting than the rings of Saturn, just visible from such a distance” [2] apparently still does not resonate with those who – elected by “democratic” means or who by other means rule over and and/or who create policy regarding us – are in positions of power and influence on planet Earth is both interesting and indicative.

Indicative, because – at least in my fallible judgement – it seems that they have no or little perception of, or are dismissive of, and certainly have no empathy regarding, our human history, over millennia: of the suffering, the deaths, the trauma, that abstractions, that ideology, that egoism, that dogma, that patriarchy, causes and has caused.

Interesting, because – at least in my fallible judgement – it seems that they have no or little perception of our Cosmic insignificance and thus have no or little perception of the balancing that a muliebral, an emphatic – a female physis and perspective, a presencing and understanding, and an understanding born of pathei-mathos – would necessitate and involve.

Are those masculous individuals currently in positions of power and influence in many modern terran governments likely or even amiable to such a muliebral physis and perspective; to such a balancing of the muliebral with the masculous; to such an Enantiodromia – to such a presencing and change?

I have to admit I do not know. If they and we are not amenable to such a change, and if we in our majority do not change, are we as a species then, in terms of Cosmic significance, irrelevant?


David Myatt
February 2020
